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Puerto Rico Shopping: Top 5 Places To Browse

Want to do some Puerto Rico shopping on your next tropical vacation? Make sure you browse the top five places in our guide.

Get ready for one of the best trips you’ll take. Puerto Rico has so much to offer whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure. The incredible natural sites, amazing restaurants, and, of course, great shopping.

You could spend your whole trip in Puerto Rico shopping. So if you want to plan ahead for your trip, mark these spots on your map so you know where to get all the best goods.

1. Plaza Las Américas

If you want to start big, this Puerto Rico shopping mall has it all. Plaza Las Américas is the biggest mall on the island and boasts over 300 shops. There is plenty to do in terms of dining and entertainment as well.

You can find both local and international brands. And when you’re all shopped out, you can catch a movie, stop by a bar, or even hit the dance floor, all within this one mall.

2. Old San Juan

Old San Juan is a must-see for anyone, even those not as interested in shopping. Old San Juan contains historic buildings and local artisans and offers some of the best Puerto Rico shopping.

You can walk around the area and take insights, as well as stop in smaller, hidden shops to find some treasures to take home.

There are more small dive shops in Puerto Rico to explore, and this area has plenty to keep you engaged all day. You can find smaller items like jewelry and souvenirs, but also high-end clothes as well. 

3. The Mall of San Juan

Whether you just arrived or are on your way home, this Puerto Rica shopping mall has all you need for your next destination. It’s located right by the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport in San Juan, so you can pick up any last-minute items, or more fully prepare for your time in Puerto Rico.

This mall contains a wide variety of stores and restaurants to keep you energized to shop. 

4. El Mercado Urbano

At La Ventana al Mar in San Juan you will find El Mercado Urbano. This shopping area is filled with vendors under tents, who set up their wares for you to peruse. You can find great locally grown and made foods, as well as souvenirs to take home.

While it is located on Ashford Avenue, alongside another shopping location, El Mercado Urbano has a farmers market feel that will let you experience more of local Puerto Rico over fancy fashion stores. 

5. Arecibo Flea Market

If you’re looking for some dive shops in Puerto Rico or cheaper shopping for some kitschy items, the Arecibo Flea Market is a perfect choice. You can find great street food vendors and lots of snacks to try as you stroll through the different small shops lining the street.

Smart Puerto Rico Shopping

When it comes to Puerto Rico shopping choices, there are almost too many to list. But if you stop by some of the spots mentioned above, you’ll be in great shape and see some excellent sights at the same time.

No matter what you’re looking for, whether it’s a surf shop in Puerto Rico, or a great Puerto Rico gift shop, you’ll find it in one of these locations.

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