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Are There Any Puerto Rico Travel Restrictions for American Citizens?

Are there any Puerto Rico travel restrictions for American citizens? Find out the answer to this pressing question in our brief guide today.

In 2019 alone, five million people visited Puerto Rico. Since Puerto Rico is only a short flight from the mainland United States, it’s a popular travel destination for American citizens. The fact that Puerto Rico is also a U.S. territory has helped boost its popularity among American travelers.

But no matter where you travel, you want to make sure you understand any travel restrictions there might be. Are there any Puerto Rico travel restrictions for American citizens specifically? Continue reading to find out.

Do American Citizens Need a Passport?

No. Since Puerto Rico is a U.S. territory, American citizens don’t need a passport to enter. However, people traveling from other countries are required to have a passport or visa.

What Are the Current COVID-19 Restrictions and Requirements?

Although there usually aren’t many Puerto Rico travel restrictions for American citizens, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed that. Currently, travelers are required to fill out a Travel Declaration Form. The form can be found on the online portal for the Puerto Rico Health Department here.

If you’re fully vaccinated against COVID-19, then you’ll need to show proof. The only accepted evidence is an official Vaccination Card, signed and dated by the person who administered your vaccine.

People who are unvaccinated or have only received one dose of the Modern of Pfizer vaccines can still travel to Puerto Rico. However, they’re required to show proof of a negative coronavirus test taken within 72-hours of traveling. It’s essential to keep in mind that airlines may also have their unique requirements regarding travel during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, you must wear masks at all Puerto Rico airports and any indoor or enclosed areas. Most airlines also require masks to be worn for the duration of flights, including those to Puerto Rico.

While the pandemic is still underway, it’s recommended everyone planning to travel to Puerto Rico check the COVID-19 levels and warnings provided by the CDC. You can find current information here.

Are There Other Travel Restrictions?

The only other travel restriction for U.S. citizens is the need to present a government-issued ID. This can be a driver’s license, military identification card, or non-driver’s license official ID. You won’t be able to board a plane to or from Puerto Rico without one of these forms of identification.

More Questions About Puerto Rico Travel Restrictions?

Although you don’t need a passport to visit Puerto Rico, you need a valid government-issued ID. During the pandemic, there are additional restrictions in place. However, it is both simple and affordable to travel to Puerto Rico at any time.

Do you have more questions about Puerto Rico travel restrictions? Or would you like to find a place to stay for your next island trip?

Check out our other blog posts for additional information on Puerto Rico travel. You can also view our selection of affordable vacation homes online.

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